Sunday, October 18, 2015

Week 8 CECS 5110

The first thing that was different (and more difficult) about developing instruction with audio was for this mama to find a time when our house was quiet enough to record!  Next. To. Impossible. The kids were occupied, so I hit record and then the dogs started barking.  It was nap time, so I hit record and a neighbor rang the door bell...and the dogs started barking.  I know, more of a personal problem but it definitely effected my feelings towards audio instruction and creating it!

I believe that it is more efficient to use other types of media rather than audio, in most cases.  For the creator, the software is more technical and complicated when creating audio instruction.  Text instruction can be easily created with any word processing document.  Pictures can be added along side of the text as well with zero to little knowledge of any type of complicated software.  

I think one major limitation of audio instruction, which I discussed in my last post, is that it is more complicated for a learner to "rewind" to hear a step or instruction again. It is much easier to read a step or go back and look at a picture again. The learner can do this as many times as needed and read the instructions at his/her own rate and take time to process.

My favorite is still Text + Visual!

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