Saturday, September 12, 2015

CECS 5110 Week 3

When I first started teaching, our walls were adorned with an abundance of posters and visually stimulating decorations.  I can only imagine what was going through the minds of our students.  Bright colors were everywhere!  I imagine that they felt the same way I feel when I view a website with mix-matched colors and no order to the design layout.  It’s amazing the impact that colors and layout have on individuals without us being aware.

I strongly believe that color theory and visual design can either interact with each other to have a positive impact on learning or a negative impact.  When a designer has background knowledge of both, instruction that is visually (and mentally) appealing can be created.  If materials are created in colors and organization (or lack there of) that are non-conducive to learning, learners can be turned off at first sight…before they even start reading the material presented.

I believe that learners of all ages like routine, order, and consistency…whether they know it or not.  We are wired to be attracted to visual appealing colors and organized material.  When a learner is presented with material in an unorganized manner that is written in colors that go against the color theory, they are less likely to be able to focus and concentrate on what is being presented.  Their brains are trying to make sense of the colors and lack of organization instead of the actual material.  

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