Wednesday, March 22, 2017

What the Tech?! - Week 21

Hey guys!  The cool site I have to show you this week is one that comes in handy when you want to help out a friend who has just had a baby, surgery, or maybe a death in the family.  It's called Meal Train and what I like about it is that it is super user friendly, organizes everything, sends reminders, and more!

You might be asking how this is different from Sign Up Genius.  It has a few added features to make it specific to providing meals.  For example, the organizer can enter the family's info (how many adults/kids), their favorite meals, least favorite meals, dietary restrictions/allergies, and preferred meal time. You are given a link to share so that people can see the calendar of dates and sign up for what they would like to bring. All of this is free!  However, they do offer other meal train options (like if you wanted to incorporate the option for friends to sign up for babysitting) for a small fee.  I have never used any of the paid options.

Here's a video (1 min 14 sec) that gives you a quick overview- 

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